

Schoolgate Evangelism

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Is saving souls all that matters?

IS SAVING SOULS ALL THAT MATTERS? Why Christians should be concerned for creation Too big to fail? It was once thought that the planet was ‘too big to fail’, but...


GEORGE FLOYD: a white Christian’s response

‘For the LORD is righteous; he loves justice…he will proclaim justice to the nations…you neglect justice…he will judge the world with justice’ (Ps.11; Mat.12; Lk.11; Acts 17) Over the last...


Ethnicity and Covid-19 – where next?

Recent reports around ethnicity and Covid-19 have surprised me. They have explained that black people are four times more likely to die of coronavirus than white people, and we don’t...


Facing Coronavirus in Christ

From the Editor: In light of the growing Coronavirus pandemic, please follow all NHS advice in keeping you and your loved ones healthy. Here are 14 truths to think on...


Prayer in Song

My former mentor was once asked why we don’t spend more time praying in church His answer stuck with me: nearly everything we do involves prayer! Outside of the time...


Out of the Factory

Planting Dundonald church into the neighbourhood For the last 16 years, I’ve planted and led churches that gather on Sundays in hired facilities. I’ve become well accustomed to the rigours...


Praying for Co-Mission’s Vision

Cities are an integral part of 21st-century life. Much as we all still enjoy the beauty of the rural countryside and the lure of a small-town community, the majority of...


Praying the Lord’s Prayer

I love to use the Lord’s Prayer publicly and privately. It is a magnificent reminder of the immense joy and privilege of praying to our Father in heaven. Why is...


Praying the Psalms

Do you find prayer a bit boring? It’s the guilty secret of too many children of God that we find praying to our heavenly Father boring, and when we listen...


Learning to Pray Again

Have you mastered prayer? I haven’t. I suspect few Christians would report having mastered this great privilege and discipline. In fact, I suspect that most Christians may even feel burdened...
