Door Knocking

It would be lovely if every Londoner naturally came across a Christian at work. Or in their sports group/class or circle of friends. They don’t.

Shaftesbury Christian Centre

For over 100 years, the Shaftesbury Christian Centre has sought to reach Battersea with the good news of Jesus.

Ministry in the Workplace

Article written by Samuel Ennis from St. Peter’s Fulham About 6% of the UK population attend church at least monthly, read the Bible weekly and pray weekly, and roughly 10% attend church once a month (according to data from the Evangelical Alliance’s ‘Talking Jesus’ survey in 2022).  This means that we have a huge mission […]

Exhibition At Christ Church Balham

Article Written by Bekah Perring from Christ Church Balham. On Saturday 23 March 2024, Christ Church Balham hosted their first ever ‘Easter Exhibition’ in our local scout hall. This was borne out of two desires. First, to invite non-Christian friends to something at Easter that had a similar feel to Christmas carol services. Second, to […]

Planting in Hounslow

Written by Barry Schutter from Hounslow Town Church When plans were being made to plant in Hounslow, it held two noteworthy titles. Rightmove, in their annual rankings of the “happiest place to live”, labelled Hounslow as the least desirable location in all of London and the second worst in Britain. And comedian Asim Chaudhry, better […]

Bread for Life

Article written by Becky Dawson from St. Andrew’s Chelsea. As she stood in the doorway, the unholy trio of weed, alcohol and cigarette smoke threatened to overwhelm the buttery waft coming from her bag. Her loving mission felt like a battle. ‘What?’ was the dismissive response. Her foot stuttered on the landing step, retreating. The […]

Loving Across the Divides – Interview with Jason Roach

Adam: I know that you are a lifelong Londoner, but you didn’t always believe in Jesus. How was the gospel shared with you? Jason: Much of what I remember about coming to know Jesus was very ordinary. A fellow university student called Kazumi invited me to share a meal with her mates. While we were […]

Loving the Hidden and Hurting

Article written by Rosie McConkey from Cornerstone Church, Kingston. Every Londoner, like you and I, walks past addresses where the sex industry is happening. It could be down a quiet residential road, in a busy block of flats or above a massage parlour. But most of us don’t meet the women inside. They are hidden […]

Loving Wembley Park

Article written by Scott Furey, pastor at St. Augustines Wembley park for REVIVE Summer 2024 zine This summer, Wembley is Taylor Swift’s. Close to 1 million people will flock here, across her eight sold-out stadium shows – maybe you’ll be one of them! Here are a couple of other Wembley residents you’re less likely to […]

Loving Across Culture

According to the 2021 census, London was the most ethnically diverse region in England and Wales – with the smallest percentage who identify as white British. 46.2% of London residents identified with Asian, black, mixed or other ethnic groups, and a further 17% with white ethnic minorities. Every religion is practised in our city and […]

Why Serve As A Ministry Trainee?

Whether you look at the data or count the number of heads in the room, it’s been clear that the number of Christians taking up a Ministry Trainee position (‘MT’ for the rest of this article) has been on a steady decrease over the past decade – not just here in the Co-Mission Network, but […]

Loving London with the Gospel

Written by Catherine Brooks ‘It’s just so nice to get out of London.’  Have you said that yet this weekend? Imagine a Londoner – let’s call him Danny. He’s had a great weekend at Revive, but now he’s back home to the reality of daily life. It’s only Tuesday afternoon but he’s already disgruntled because he […]
