Our Vision

Richard Coekin
June 15, 2017

We’re called Co-Mission because we are churches inspired by Jesus’ great commission to make disciples
of all nations here in our capital city.

AND our shared priority is co-operating in mission.


We are
– a growing family of related churches multiplying our gospel ministry DNA that is committed to being pioneering in mission, training with Scripture and diversifying in culture

– an active network of inter-dependent churches committed to generous practical co-operation to help reach London with God’s gospel – for we believe we can do more together than we can on our own

– an evolving mini-movement of reformed evangelical churches that share a passion for planting for London for Christ, for the salvation of many and the glory of God

We say mini because we feel small and that we’ve only just begun. We say movement because we’re not an organisation controlled by structures but an organism driven by our passion for faithful and effective gospel ministry.

London is a city with few peers in terms of global influence, one of the most cosmopolitan and powerful cities in world history. It is the political, commercial and cultural centre of Britain with 43 universities and around 10 million residents.

However in spiritual terms, London is an unfolding spiritual tragedy: over 90% of the population claims no saving faith in Christ and are heading for an eternity in torment. Sadly only 700,000 people attend 4,800 churches. Recent growth doesn’t reflect evangelism but rather Christian immigrants arriving, especially into Black majority churches.

Of London church-goers, 32% are Pentecostal, 25% are Roman Catholic and 12% are Anglican. There is a worrying shortage of children, young families and men. The 2012 National Census revealed 48% of Londoners self-describe as Christian – a drop of 11% over 10 years as elderly Christians die. 12% are Muslim and 21% are atheist (both up by 10%) revealing the growing challenge of secular atheism and Islam. Only 350,000 attend reformed evangelical churches, most in prosperous Bible-belt districts. This city is a mission field, urgently in need of hundreds of gospel church-plants for every culture.
There are sobering parallels between London and the tragic sinking of the liner TITANIC when it hit an iceberg in 1912.
The loss of life was increased by:

1. A desperate shortage of life-boats – as we need more gospel-preaching churches.

2. A terrible neglect of poor passengers locked in lower decks while the rich boarded life-boats – as we need more churches for the poorer districts of London.

3. A lack of life-boat training for the crew – as we must train ourselves to become a new generation of gospel-workers.

4. A shocking lack of compassion in the half-empty lifeboats unwilling to go back for the drowning – as our churches need to become lifeboats full of crew dedicated to saving lives rather than cruise ships half-full of passengers dedicated to our own comfort.

Our uniting Co-Mission 360 vision is to assist in evangelising London by planting and establishing 360 diverse reformed evangelical churches for the salvation of many and the glory of God! Our ten year strategic plan is to progress our 360 Vision by planting and establishing thirty gospel churches by 2020 and sixty by 2025.

The mutual obligations of practical love involved in being inter-dependent churches has some costs to it – in prayer, financial contributions and the time and effort involved in working together.

However, these costs are greatly outweighed by the benefits. These include:

– Shared quality training of apprentices and staff

– Mutual encouragement for church members in belonging to a growing movement

-Mutual support and political influence within our denominations

– Accountability to other godly church leaders

– Higher profile in attracting roving members and recruiting apprentices and staff

– Revive; and above all…

– Support in church-planting
Many churches across our city and further afield would love to enjoy the support of such a network.

So may I encourage us privately and in our churches to thank God and faithfully pray for his continuing work through Co-Mission in planting sixty churches by 2025 – for the salvation of many and to the glory of God alone.

More to read

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Door Knocking

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Schoolgate Evangelism

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Door Knocking

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