Healing the Divides
How every Christian can advance God’s vision for racial unity and justice
How every Christian can advance God’s vision for racial unity and justice
“We are followers before we ever lead others, and that following is key to everything. We lead out of following.”
Many people assume that Christianity is simply a nice story for kids, a comforting crutch to lean on, or completely out of touch with modern life.
Our culture tells us that the way to be happy is to “be true to yourself”.
As Christians, we experience great joy in knowing God through Jesus and great hope in the promise of an eternity spent with God.
In a sex-saturated culture where anything goes, it’s tempting to think that the Christian vision for sex seems dull, uninspiring and just plain weird!
Do you have enough time? Most of us feel pulled in too many directions, never managing to do enough.
Leader, come and sit at the feet of Jesus. Come and listen to him and be restored in hope and joy as you feast afresh on the gospel goodness he...
Jonah is famous for being a reluctant evangelist. But God had other plans!