Avoiding Civil War
This article was originally published in Evangelicals Now, which you can read here We conservative evangelicals need each other. The challenges before us are just too big. We really can’t...
This article was originally published in Evangelicals Now, which you can read here We conservative evangelicals need each other. The challenges before us are just too big. We really can’t...
Our world has suddenly become very volatile and unpredictable. We may not be at war, but we are already in a very serious political and economic conflict with Russia. Even...
The Ukrainian war has turned everything upside down in our lives in a matter of a few days. We see a tragedy and untold suffering unfolding before our eyes, and...
DEFINITION Evangelism is proclaiming the Gospel – the good news about Jesus Christ which is God’s power to save all who believe it and turn from sin to follow him....
HOW SHOULD WE, AS BELIEVERS, ENGAGE WITH SOCIAL NEEDS AND JUSTICE ISSUES? Recent events have highlighted various challenges for our engagement with the world around us. To what extent should...
From the Editor: In light of the growing Coronavirus pandemic, please follow all NHS advice in keeping you and your loved ones healthy. Here are 14 truths to think on...
What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer. O what peace we often forfeit,...
“Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both...
Our country is deeply divided and emotions are running high. As the temperature of political debate has risen, some have disengaged from politics in disgust, while many fear the implications...
There is no explicit command in the Bible to “go and plant churches”. But, in his great commission, Jesus said, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them…and teaching...
If you google ‘prayer London’, the first page of results isn’t a list of church prayer meetings, but rather a list of Muslim prayer times in mosques across the city....
“…there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the lamb. They were wearing white...