Why Serve As A Ministry Trainee?

Darren Nardoni
September 18, 2024

Whether you look at the data or count the number of heads in the room, it’s been clear that the number of Christians taking up a Ministry Trainee position (‘MT’ for the rest of this article) has been on a steady decrease over the past decade – not just here in the Co-Mission Network, but within all evangelical spheres. 

As I come to the end of my MT tenure here at The Boathouse Church Putney, I would love to write some encouragements and great reasons as to why many Christians should take a year (or two!) out to serve as an MT. And I pray the Lord uses this for the glory of his kingdom! 

In no particular order… 

  • The Lord has used MTs to grow Co-Mission and its network of faithful churches 

As I write this, I have just come back from an MT workshop with Richard Coekin, where he spoke of his earliest MTs and how God used them to help him plant faithful Bible-teaching churches and grow the Co-Mission Network. You may know many of them, such as Paul Dawson (St Andrew’s Chelsea) or Jason and Rachel Roach (The Bridge Church Battersea). 

It’s currently estimated that around eight million people in London don’t know the gospel and are on their way to eternal darkness. It is also estimated that perhaps another 2,000 churches would be needed to reach them. If we want to reach these lost Londoners with more Bible-teaching churches, MTs are needed! 

  • Being an MT doesn’t mean you’re permanently in full-time ministry, but it does mean you’re permanently equipped 

Taking up an MT role at your church does not mean you will only be working in full-time ministry from thereon! 

The gospel isn’t just ‘Come and See’, but also ‘Go and Tell’ – and so we need Christians in all areas of life and places of work to be sharing the gospel. Some may continue on into full-time ministry, serving on a planting team, or as a youth and children’s worker; others will head back into the secular world to be salt and light – how amazing! 

During your traineeship, you will take part in things like the Cornhill Training Course (in Bible-handling), doctrine groups, 1:1 training with your pastor and more! All of which will equip you for a lifetime of sharing the Word and caring for people faithfully, wherever the Lord places you afterwards. 

Two years is the recommended time frame Co-Mission gives for serving as an MT, but there is the option for only one year. I even know one trainee who opted to do it for three years.

  • The Lord will provide what you need 

The Bible is full of encouragement about the provision we receive from our Heavenly Father, whether that was for the Israelites in the wilderness (Exodus 16), or what Jesus teaches us in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6–7). 

I can vouch for this wonderful truth, too! This article is all about God, his goodness and his kingdom, but I would be remiss not to mention my own experience as an MT: Back in 2022–23, The Boathouse Church was not able to provide any funding for me due to its financial situation at the time, and so I had to raise all the funds to cover my budget of around £18,500. It was really daunting and stressful at times (when I would forget to trust in God!), particularly as I was getting married that year. But God, in his kindness, provided over and above the budgeted amount, through generous Christian trusts and individuals. He always provides what his people and workers need; praise him! 

  • You get a free REVIVE ticket 

Just joking! This isn’t an actual reason – but it is a great bonus. 

In all seriousness, I pray that the Lord uses these points (and there are more of course that others could say!) to stir up your hearts to become a Ministry Trainee for your church. And if perhaps you’re feeling like you’re not mature enough as a Christian and your weak points will hold you back (something I’ve heard a Christian brother say in regards to not doing ministry), remember the comfort our Lord gives us. He said, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9). He is doing the work and he has a plan to use you for his kingdom. Amen!


Last year, we made a short video to introduce the ministry trainees to all staff at our annual Staff Focus Conference.

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