Playing With Fire

Does it really matter if I sin? I know I shouldn’t. But Jesus has already paid for all my sins at the cross. If I trust in Jesus, my good works are not necessary for me to be accepted by God, and my sins can’t condemn me. Christ has set me free from sin and […]
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect

BE PERFECT, THEREFORE, AS YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS PERFECT Living on earth as citizens of the kingdom of heaven From Marx and Engels’ slogan ‘Workers of the world, unite!’ to Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s address ‘I have a dream’, there have been many revolutionary manifestos and speeches. None though have been as radical as […]
Praying the Psalms

Do you find prayer a bit boring? It’s the guilty secret of too many children of God that we find praying to our heavenly Father boring, and when we listen to the public prayers in our church, sometimes they sound boring too. When you think about it for a moment it is ridiculous: We are […]
Why we love, teach & obey the Bible

‘You have to be mad to base your life on the teachings of a 2,000 year old book. Utterly mad!’ I had just explained to another dog-walker that my position on some controversial issue was determined by the Bible. He almost exploded in apoplectic amazement. The ‘discussion’ only ended because he had recently had a […]