Healing the Divides

How every Christian can advance God’s vision for racial unity and justice

The Bible paints a compelling picture of a diverse people united in worship of Jesus. In a society that is divided along lines of race, culture and class, such a vision can feel out of reach. But in the power of the Holy Spirit, it really is possible for our churches to increasingly become the communities of unity and justice that they are called to be. So, what are the practical steps every Christian can take to help make this a reality?

This book combines the voices of Jason Roach, Director of Ministries at London City Mission and founding pastor of The Bridge Church, a multi-ethnic church in London, and Jessamin Birdsall, a researcher and consultant with a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy from Princeton University specialising in religion, race and ethnicity, and inequality. Together, they give a biblical perspective on race, ethnicity and justice. Readers will see that in the gospel, Jesus has done something miraculous: he has made us one in him.

As well as inspiring readers with God’s vision for unity and diversity, this book will help them better understand the experiences of others and become aware of any blind spots in their church culture that may be putting up barriers to inclusivity. It will also help them to engage constructively with the wider conversation in our culture around movements like Black Lives Matter.

So be inspired by God’s vision for racial unity and justice, consider things from a different point of view, and play your part in healing the divides—to the glory of God.

The Good Book Company
No. of pages:
Publish date:
June 2022
Where to buy
There are not many books written by evangelical Christians in the UK context on racial justice and unity. Healing the Divides therefore fills a gap that is missing in our evangelical mission theology. One of the unique things about this book is the authors. One is a black British male of Caribbean background; the other is a white American woman. The authors’ different perspectives and experiences illuminate
Revd Dr Israel Oluwole Olofinjana
Director, One People Commission, Evangelical Alliance
Healing the Divides is a biblically faithful, data-rich and culturally relevant challenge to the UK church regarding racial justice. It calls for repentance and practical steps to reconciliation with the hope of the gospel.
Clare Williams
Founder, Get Real Apologetics
Considered and thoughtful, this book nevertheless provides a powerful challenge to our thinking on race and ethnicity in the church. A must-read for all who long to see the church as a place of welcome for all.
Graham Miller
CEO, London City Mission