Impossible Commands

What do we do when God’s commands sound impossible? Most of us find opt-outs and excuses, or pretend we’re doing better than we are.

Author Jonty Allcock calls this “the madness of our lives” and “the slavery of the impossible”.

There is a better way. What if obedience could be a life-giving joy rather than a job, a delight instead of a duty?

In this book, Jonty shows us that by facing up to the impossible commands of Jesus, we come to the end of our own will and determination, and end up at Jesus’ feet. We find ourselves in the hands of a God who can do all things. Where we fail to obey, there is grace. Where we succeed in obeying, there we find the miracle of the Spirit active within us.

This book takes us through four steps – I can’t, I’m sorry, please help and let’s go – that will help us look to ourselves less and depend on God more, enabling a spirit-led joyful obedience.

Where to buy
'Jonty Allcock is one of the most engaging gospel communicators in the UK today. He combines exegetical faithfulness with creativity and relevant practical application. In his latest book, he shows Christians that God’s power enables us to live a life of joyful obedience. This uplifting and challenging book will liberate believers from the despair and frustration of feeling that God asks us to do the impossible. Whilst God does give us humanly “impossible” commands, the glorious good news is that he makes it possible for us to obey them! If you want your life to be transformed from crushing and dutiful legalism to heartfelt longing to obey then read this book.'
John Stevens
National Director, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
'Here is an encouraging and digestible book about obedience! Grounded in Bible truth, these chapters give not just an argument but a call that's clear and full of hope. The biblical path to obedience is plainly laid out, with the necessary first step: "I can't." But what a blessing to consider the subsequent steps that in fact lead us to obey: "I'm sorry"; "Please help"; and "Let's Go." I'm grateful for this call to follow the Lord Jesus with joyful obedience.'
Kathleen Nielson
Author, speaker
'With illustrated clarity, pastoral warmth, and heart-searching persuasiveness, Jonty Alcock unpacks how disciples of Jesus should think about the impossible commands of God. With compelling, biblical, grace-focussed logic he shows that "the power to obey is to be found within the commands God has given". Unpacking four steps to joyful obedience, he then applies the steps to eight apparently impossible commands. Every disciple will identify with the struggles described in this book; every disciple, however long they have been following Jesus, will find help and hope in this book.'
Jonathan Prime
Associate National Director (Pastoral Ministries), FIEC