Time for Every Thing?

Matt Fuller liberates us from the drive to do everything; points us to the source of true rest; and sets out a godly framework to help us prioritise, so that we can be productive without being crushed.

If you have ever felt the tyranny of a too-long to-do list, or the terror of a too-empty one, spend some precious time reading this book!

'This wonderfully practical book is packed with careful Biblical reflection and solid Biblical wisdom. It will be a great tonic to many people - both liberating and challenging. I strongly recommend it to the busy Christian.'
William Taylor
Rector, St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London
'How to make the most of limited time is an issue that faces us all. Matt Fuller’s wise, clear and concise book (ideal for busy people!) shows us how the application of Biblical principles can save us from wasting our time or burning ourselves out. He is wise and practical in the way he tackles the claims of work, home, church and leisure. I am so glad I made time to read this book!'
Alasdair Paine
Vicar, St Andrew the Great, Cambridge
'For those of us who consider ourselves 'time poor', this is a wonderful book that will help us to rethink and refocus. Matt reminds us that the time we have is God's gift to us to use wisely, without feeling burdened or guilty. The book is full of practical tips and real life examples that enable us the freedom to live Godly lives under the pressures of work, church and family life.'
Andrew Perry
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Father and youth group Leader