Unable to Gift Aid

Tell us that you are unable to gift aid your church giving

What's so great about gift aid?

Gift Aid is a special tax relief which benefits UK charities and can provide Co-Mission with vital additional income. If you are a UK tax-payer, Gift Aid increases the value of your church giving by 25% because The Co-Mission Churches Trust can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gifts at no extra cost to you – but you must opt-in!

Gift Aid boosts your church’s income by adding an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. Therefore, if you give £100 each month to Co-Mission and complete a Gift Aid declaration, your giving is boosted by HMRC so that it becomes £125 each month or £1,500 each year! Imagine what a difference that could make to Co-Mission and to the gospel work we are doing!

Charity Information

The above Gift Aid declaration covers donations made to the Co-Mission Initiative Trust (Registered Charity no. 1157383).

The Charity is also a limited company registered in England and Wales (no. 08848067) whose registered address is:

577 Kingston Road, Raynes Park, London, SW20 8SA |  020 85434411 | giving@co-mission.org | co-mission.org

The Co-Mission Initiative Trust is the main charity behind the Co-Mission network in London and is facilitating Co-Mission’s exciting “360 Vision” – for the glory of the Lord Jesus.
