Working & Waiting: Living lives empowered by the Gospel

As Christians, we've been entrusted with a glorious gospel. We look forward to the day when we will be with Jesus, but we don't want to be spending our time 'just waiting'. We have work to do! Through the power of the gospel, we are called to move towards people in love as we share the truth that transforms lives.

‘…because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well’.   1 Thessalonians 2:8

Meet our speaker: Kimberly Davis

"I met Jesus at an early age and am so grateful for God's patient faithfulness over the years. I love using the arts to share the gospel and reading the Bible with people and listening to their stories. I am a part of The Globe Church where I'm on staff, overseeing pastoral care. I'm originally from California but have lived in London for 11 years. For fun, I love to cook, have people over, read and play games. I've been married to Matt for 28 years. We have three adult children, and have a dog named Yoda."

Become a Volunteer

To enable the event to run smoothly, we need a group of volunteers to join our team! We need our volunteers to arrive by 8:30am and be able to stay until 1:30pm. There are four different volunteer teams you can be a part of:

1. Registration - welcoming & registering attendees

2. Stewarding - directing attendees

3. Refreshments - setting up and serving refreshments

4. Logistics - setting up and tidying up the room

To join the team, select the 'Volunteer Ticket' on booking. As a thank you for helping out at the event, we are giving you 50% off the ticket price.

See you there!
