New Mission Director of Co-Mission From September 2024

March 13, 2024

After a thorough and prayerful process, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Andy Mason (Minister of St Johns Chelsea) as our new Mission Director to lead Co-Mission from the 1st of September 2024. Andy brings with him theological depth, godly leadership experience and a strong understanding of the Co-Mission network and vision.

Andys appointment was unanimously ratified by the Senior Pastors Council at a special meeting on the 5th of March, 2024. Andy will be working for Co-Mission part-time whilst continuing to lead St Johns Chelsea. Andy writes, I have always been excited about the vision of Co-Mission to plant churches in London – and it has been a privilege to be part of the network as a pastor for the last 18 years. Im excited to be working with other leaders in this new role and want to do all I can to see London reached with the brilliant news about Jesus. Were trusting the Lord will be answering prayers and doing wonderful things.

We express our thanks to God for our founding Mission Director, Richard Coekin (Senior Pastor, Dundonald Church), for his faithful and steadfast leadership, vision, and unwavering commitment to Co-Mission’s mission. Without Richards entrepreneurial zeal and desire to honour God and proclaim his gospel across London, the Co-Mission network would not be where it is today. We are also grateful Richard has agreed to serve in an emeritus role.

Having founded the network in 2005 and reflecting on the journey God has brought us on, Richard says, “It has been my honour and joy to serve our Lord Jesus in obeying his great commission to make disciples of all nations in London. Its been a privilege to witness the transformative power of his gospel across this city, with flourishing churches planted and revitalised in a variety of contexts, from family focused churches in the suburbs to inner city estate churches and those for young professionals in central London. Im absolutely delighted to pass on leadership to Andy, who I believe can take us further than I could. By Gods grace, he is very godly and gifted, with an exciting vision to develop this ministry.

In welcoming our new Mission Director, we are excited to see what God will do through him and us in the next chapter of the Co-Mission story. We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to do all we can together to plant churches to reach London for the glory of Christ. Please join with us in praying for Andy as he undertakes this new role. May he and Co-Mission continue to make disciples of all nations for Christ, to the glory of God in London.

Warmly in Christ,

Philip Cooper, Catrin Lee, Bunmi Balogun and John Marland

Trustees of the Co-Mission Initiative Trust

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