As REVIVE Rep for your church, you are responsible for the following:
We’ve got lots of resources available and here are some suggestions on how to promote REVIVE to your church family:
- Hand out the save the date flyers to your church family
- Show the launch and information videos – they are fantastic videos which show the highlights of weekend and give lots of information to help get your church family talking and excited about REVIVE
- Give notices at the front – it is helpful to give notices from the front, especially for those who have never been before. It’s really great to make sure you introduce yourself to your church family as their REVIVE Rep. We recommend giving a notice before and each week during your church discount window to remind your church family to book on. Why not interview someone who’s been before?
- Add reminders in your church notices – on your service sheets, newsletters, calendar, website, social media – however your church gives out notices!
The key things to let people know are:
- Book tickets on our website:
- Bookings for Adult Weekend and all Kids and Youth tickets close at midnight on Tuesday 27th May 2025
- Bookings for all Adult Day tickets close at midnight on Monday 23rd June
- Join Team REVIVE for an opportunity to serve and a discounted ticket
- Church Discount Window dates
- Most importantly – how brilliant REVIVE is!
We’ll send you a live link to the list of bookings for your church.
You will be your church family’s main point of contact for REVIVE queries, so it’s important they know who you are!
Please use the FAQs listed in this booklet and on our website to answer questions about the event. Most questions will be answered in the FAQs, but if a church member has a complicated query, feel free to contact and one of our team will help you.
Please do ask anything – we would much rather you email and ask, than someone not come along because they aren’t sure of something.
Each church will be allocated a block of housing or flats on the university campus. It’s your job to decide who to put in each house/flat.
New for 2025: This year we will be in the Park Wood and Keynes College accommodation. Park Wood is where we have been in previous years, and Keynes is an additional 10 minute walk away.
You’ll probably receive requests from church members asking to share with certain people as they book on, so it’s a good idea to record and refer to these requests when you come to arrange accommodation.
After bookings close:
- Check your attendee list and make sure you recognise all of the names on the list!
- 28th May: You will be sent a room number request spreadsheet to help us work out who could share, and how many rooms you would need as a church (this should be quick to complete)
- Sunday 1st June: Deadline to return the room number request spreadsheet
- 4th June: You will be sent your official accommodation allocation spreadsheet, where you will need to fill in who is occupying each room
- 11th June: Deadline to return the accommodation spreadsheet
Once you’ve allocated the houses/flats, make sure to communicate this to your church family so that they can coordinate between them any special arrangements, e.g. bringing food to share. Please note this is not a chance for anyone to swap!
Throughout the weekend, there are opportunities and times where we encourage each church to gather together, often for meals.
The main times are:
- Friday Evening
The gathering on Friday evening may look different for different churches, but the idea is to bring your church family together as they arrive at the start of the weekend to help make people feel welcome, bring unity and kick start your weekend as a church family. These are held in the outside grassed areas of your accommodation blocks.
This takes place between 7pm – 8:40pm, so you can head together to the Big Top as a church family for the Evening Celebration at 9pm.
- Saturday Evening
Similarly to Friday evening, it may look different across the site, but on Saturday evening we encourage you to again gather as a church family for your Saturday evening meal before the Evening Celebration at 8:30pm.
There is an opportunity for people to buy a hot meal from the University caterers when you book your ticket, but please do let your church family know if you will be eating together when you promote REVIVE.
Some suggestions for what you could organise for Friday and Saturday:
- People to bring their own dinner and join together to eat (each accommodation has a kitchen with basic cooking utensils)
- Organise a bring and share dinner and gather outside your accommodations to eat together
- Consider joining up with other churches in your cluster if you are a smaller congregation
Please note, we are unable to have BBQs anywhere on site as it is against University policy.
- Lunchtime Picnics on the Field
All churches will have a designated area on the main Field, marked by their church flag. At lunchtime, we encourage people to bring their own picnic lunches or purchase a packed lunch when they book their ticket, and join together with their church for a picnic lunch around their flag.
It’s always useful for each church to help coordinate travel. Depending on your congregation size, this might look like:
- arranging a way for people to request lifts or offer lifts
- encouraging a group to book on the same train to travel together
- hiring a minibus to take the whole group together
To help ease parking at the accommodation, encouraging people to share lifts is a real help to us.
All attendees will receive an email on the 6th June from Co-Mission with all the general information they need, but you might want to send your own email to your attendees with key details specific to your church. Nearer to the time, we can provide a template if it helps!
The information could include:
- List of names of those attending from your congregation
- Details for the church picnic lunch on Saturday and Sunday
- Information on the rough area in the Big Top that your church might be sitting together
- Reminder about your Friday and Saturday evening gatherings
- Top tips from you!
We will also send you the full list of your attendees and their phone numbers by Wednesday 4th June so you can create a Whatsapp group for the weekend. This is helpful to let people know where you are sitting on the field and in the Big Top, remind people when the Big Top Sessions are starting and any other bits of information you might need to pass on from us to your congregations.
We will have a broadcast only Whatsapp with you & the Co-Mission team to send you any extra information or updates throughout the weekend.
Please be on hand to support your church family, especially those who might find REVIVE very daunting! Keep checking your REVIVE Rep WhatsApp group for any live information to pass on to your church family.