
We're named after Jesus' great commission to make disciples of all nations and we believe the best way we can do this in London is by planting churches.

London needs hundreds of new gospel churches if the millions of unbelievers from the different communities of this city are to be saved from hell for heaven. Our prayer is that the Lord will graciously raise up church planters and through them and their teams evangelise and gather people into a culturally mixed variety of plants across this great city.


Co-Mission works with existing reformed evangelical churches in partnership to plant churches into unreached areas across London, fostering a church-planting ethos across our network to reach people for Christ.

We are committed to seeing gospel believing, gospel living and gospel sharing churches established and strengthened. There are many ways to launch these types of new churches. But typically we have employed three models of planting to accomplish this.

How we plant


In this model we look to create a new church out of an old church. This can involve working with denominational organisations like the Church of England, The FIEC or the Grace Baptist Union to bring new life to a church situation in which decline has sadly become the direction of travel. Revitalisation typically involves the careful injection of resources, people and new leadership into the current situation in order to write a new chapter in the church’s history.


Congregational planting happens when one church identifies, trains and sends out a team from their church family to establish a new work in a new location. Often this church is launched in a different area of London, although sometimes we look to launch new congregational services within the same church. Often the church planter will be known to the sending church as a result of prior history with them.


In this model we’re attempting to create a new church out of nothing. Pioneering church planting involves recruiting, deploying and supporting a more entrepreneurially gifted planter. Ordinarily he gathers a launch team from scratch through contact with both Christians and non-Christians. He does this in order to reach a particular community with the gospel. It was this type of planting that gave rise to the Antioch Plan, a three year, one million pound initiative to try to stimulate church planting reaching into the full diversity of London.

Meet the planters

Click the images to watch our ask a planter series...

Let's Talk

Do you have a heart for planting? Let's talk. Fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch.
