24 January 2025
Please join with us in praying for Hounslow Town Church, led by Barry Schutter…
- Evangelism: Please pray for our witness to the Hounslow community. The gospel of Jesus is truly the light that shines in darkness, and so pray that the light of Christ would shine in and through Hounslow Town Church.
- Baptisms: Praise God that a number of individuals have asked to be baptised. Pray that our baptism preparation course would result in many professing their faith in Christ.
- Spiritual Growth: Hounslow Town Church is a young church with many new believers. Pray for our efforts to disciple and establish the church in faith. Especially pray with us that the Lord would use the ‘Essentials of the Faith’ course which started this Sunday to mature us.
- Bible Reading: To help our church grow in its knowledge of and delight in God’s word, we formed three Bible reading groups on WhatsApp. There are 30 individuals committed to reading the whole of the Bible in 2025 and another 20 who are reading the New Testament. For most, this will be the first time reading the Bible in its entirety! Pray that we would grow and change as we hear from God through his word.
- Leadership: God is raising up potential leaders for his church, including a British Asian seminary student who recently preached for us. We are in the early days of getting to know one another, but pray that the Lord would lead us and that if it is his will, this young man might join us. Also pray for our efforts to identify, train and eventually ordain elders and deacons.