Reaching London for Christ: A Renewed Focus on Training (Part Two)
We need more Gospel workers. God’s Gospel proclaims that Jesus is the Christ our Lord. Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations, but observed: “The harvest...
Your Brother Living for His Glory
It was only after inviting the lads around to my place for Christmas dinner that it suddenly dawned on me…. They didn’t know how to use a knife and fork!...
The “Gospel” is Jesus – Our Lord and Saviour!
Many Christians assume that “the gospel” is everything good about being Christian, but that’s not what the Bible says. Since the gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation”...
Created for Christ
Five big reasons why a Biblical understanding of creation is vital for Christians living in London today: TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF GOD’S CREATION Understanding creation helps us enjoy God’s...
Four Reasons Every Church Service Needs a Time of Confession
I don’t get out much. That is, I’m a church pastor and so I don’t get to visit lots of churches that frequently. So when I had a sabbatical a...
Reaching London for Christ: a renewed focus on training (Part One)
Church Planting Training If Co-Mission is going to plant 60 churches by 2025 then we’re going to need a whole load of new church planters who know what they’re doing....